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Instinctive Center
The Neutral Center is the
Instinctive Center. It is the combination of all
the other Centers, so one never knows where a
person in this Center is "coming from". People
in this Center
respond impulsively to situations — they may
react mentally, emotionally, or behaviorally,
but there is no rhyme or reason to their
response. There is no figuring out what their
motivation is, because it does not come from the
conscious part of the personality. It comes from
the subconscious part, and, according to
neurologists, that is in the limbic or medulla
parts of the brain. These are the so-called
"primitive" areas of the brain, which developed
in the early evolution of our reptilian and
mammalian ancestors. A person in the Instinctive
Center is functioning somewhat like an animal in
that they are following preprogrammed behavior.
However, the "program" makes no sense to the
conscious mind, either of the person who
experiences it, or of others who observe
Instinctive responses. People in the Instinctive
Center can come up with bizarre, idiosyncratic,
and erratic behavior. In more extreme forms, the
Instinctive Center can appear as mild craziness,
or actual insanity. In any case, an Instinctive
person appears to be flaky and weird to other
"normal" people who have weak Instinctive
Centers. The strength of this Center compared to
the other Centers is an indication of a person's
"strangeness coefficient".
The best that can be said about
this Center is that the person in it is close to
the elementary source of his awareness. He is in
touch with his natural, primordial urges.
Perhaps the reader has heard of "primal therapy"
or the "primal scream". These are
psychotherapeutic techniques consisting of such
things as imitating the behavior of and sounds
made by animals. This seems like suitable
therapy for people in the Instinctive Center.
The Instinctive Center often results in
obsessive behavior in people — they do things
repetitively but do not know why. Primal therapy
can help to break the patterns by consciously
accessing the subconscious program.
At this point I would like to make
a distinction between "impulsive" and
"compulsive" behavior. Impulsive behavior from
the Instinctive Center is motivated from within
by a "program" that is inborn, inherent.
Compulsive behavior is motivated from without by
a "program" acquired since birth. Recall that
the latter is called False Personality, and was
discussed briefly in Part One. When observing
the behavior of others, and seeking to
understand them, it is useful to make this
The Counterpart of the Instinctive
Center is the Pragmatist Attitude. Both are
Aspects of the Assimilation Process, so they are
similar in that they both concern the overall
function of an entire system. They are different
in that the Pragmatist sees the overall function
of the outer world. The Instinctive Center is
the overall function of the inner world.
The Positive Pole is called
+Spontaneity. Some students of this personality
system call this Pole "atomic" .I believe they
refer to the unpredictable behavior of subatomic
particles. Radioactive decay is an example of
this chaotic behavior — no one knows when an
atom will expel a particle. Some people are like
this. They express whatever pops into their
heads, their moods are capricious, and they
follow whatever whim strikes their fancy. These
people like surprises, and they are full of
surprises for others. They do not like to plan
their lives — they "ad-lib", or "wing" it. They
would rather follow their hunches than live
according to their feelings or their intellect.
They "take a notion" "out of the clear blue sky"
most of the time.
People in +Spontaneity often have
convictions which they cannot account for
rationally. Some people in this Pole who are
metaphysically or religiously inclined may think
they are in touch with higher sources of
information — they may believe they are psychic
or inspired. Some people actually hear voices or
see images, but are still able to function just
fine in reality. These type of phenomena are
most likely "messages" from the subconscious
Instinctive Center to the Intellectual Center,
and they are relatively harmless. Some people's
brains are "wired" in such a way that the
primitive portions are connected to the more
advanced portions. On the other hand, there is
actual insanity, which neurologists are
increasingly discovering to be caused by
biochemical imbalances in the brain. It is well
that the reader distinguish between these when
trying to understand the Instinctive Center.
The Negative Pole is -Sensuality.
Some other students of this personality system
call this Pole "anatomic", referring to the
anatomy of the human body. This Pole concerns
bodily impulses, in contrast to the Positive
Pole which has to do with psychological
impulses. People in this Pole are very much
aware of and concerned with the state of their
bodies. Does the body need food, exercise, rest,
sleep, or comfort? Its demands must be met or it
makes the person miserable until they are met.
People in this Pole are also attuned to their
sensory input — touch, sight, hearing, taste,
and smell — they are sensual. They want to
satisfy their sensual appetites, and may go to
extremes in this regard. Not only are they
overly involved in their bodily functions, but
-Sensuality works the other way also — their
bodies are overly involved in their mental,
emotional, and activity responses to
circumstances. They have a "gut reaction" to
everything. When something goes wrong in their
lives, some people process it in their thoughts,
others in their emotions, others in other
places. These people process external problems
in their bodies, and come down with a
psychosomatic illness. In extreme expressions of
this Pole, there are forms of insanity, such as
autism, where the person seems to be functioning
entirely in his body like an animal, with little
or no higher mental activity.
This Center is maligned in the
thinking of some people, since it can produce
quirky or fickle personality phenomena. However,
it should be noted that the so-called primitive
part of the brain, often called the subconscious
mind, recognizes and processes an enormous
amount of information from the senses that does
not get to the conscious mind. It is possible to
get to this storehouse and put it to good use.
One way to tap the capacity of this Center is to
stop all other activity (mental, emotional, and
physical) when facing a decision, and pose the
question to your self: "Shall I do this?". Turn
inward and tune in to your psychological state
(+Spontaneity) or your body state (-Sensuality)
while considering the question. Comfort or
discomfort there will give the answer. With
practice, one can gain increasing proficiency in
this exercise, and make fewer and fewer
decisions which offend the deeper sensitivities.
This will increase the harmonious functioning of
the entire mind-body system. This is the use to
which this Center should be put.
Phil Wittmeyer is a longtime Michael
student and scholar of the teachings. He
can be reached at: wittmeyer@hotmail.com
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