Soul Types Test
By DAVID GREGGLearn Your Role. The Key to Understanding Yourself and Others
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Discover your soul type (or role) and unlock your potential. Take our free soul types test and learn more about yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses. This personality profile will deduce the type of soul you are, your primary way of being. It is the blueprint of who you are and the special proclivities that you possess.
Instructions for the Soul Types Quiz:
Read over the grouped statements below. You may see a bit of yourself in all of them. Select the group of statements that most accurately describes your core self. Self-honesty is essential when evaluating these answers. Avoid choosing descriptions that simply indicate how you'd wish to be.
Tally each group to determine which one received the highest number. The groups with the next highest numbers could be your casting or essence twin influence. Your overleaves may also be a factor in the scoring.
Be wary of scoring that appears to reflect career paths or an adopted philosophical stance. Someone interested in spiritual growth, for example, may find themselves attracted to the role of Priest; whereas, someone with the actual role of Priest may find King traits particularly compelling because they're useful in the business world. In short, when taking the test, cast-out all traits you primarily posture for the sake of your career. Only choose traits that accurately match your true self.
After taking the test, you may also find the following one word summaries helpful in sorting out the scoring that best exemplifies your primary way of being. Choose two or three.
- Service
- Creation
- Persuasion
- Knowledge
- Expression
- Compassion
- Mastery
A test like this does not substitute for good channeling of your soul type, but it can give you a general idea of what role energies you express, and how those energies differ. The test can also be used as a quick run-down of the traits common for each role.
The key to scoring is at the bottom of the page.
Soul Types Test
Key to Your Soul Type:
1. Server (Service)
2. Artisan (Creativity)
3. Warrior (Persuasion)
4. Scholar (Knowledge)
5. Sage (Expression)
6. Priest (Compassion)
7. King (Mastery)
Further Reading in Our "Soul Types Series"
Soul Types: Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest, King,
Soul Types Test, Relationships and Soul Types, Roles as Energy, How Soul Types Appear Physically and Energetically, Inputs, Soul Types (or Role) Photos: Server Photos, Artisan Photos, Warrior Photos, Scholar Photos, Sage Photos, Priest Photos, King Photos
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