Topics > Lessons of the Roles
Lessons of the Roles
In our sharing with you our various perspectives of what is and isn't being
conscious of Essence, we believe a partial examination of each Essence Role
would be beneficial. In our examination we will share what we perceive are the
Maya (or Great Lesson) of that particular role and a more 'organic' approach to
determining what might be considered rejection of Essence or what might be
considered acceptance of Essence. We will note here that the positive and
negative poles of the Essence ARE NOT indications of being conscious or
accepting of Essence. A fragment in the Negative Poles is just as potentially
"in Essence" as a fragment in the positive poles, at least in terms of
experiencing its life. What we have sought to exchange with you is what it means
to reject Essence or accept Essence as part of your primary being. Those who
reject Essence are in deep isolation and a myriad of other traumatic or
deteriorating experiences, regardless of how together their life appears or how
wonderful their work and relationships and successes are. Those who are
accepting and conscious of Essence usually have the enthusiasm to 'make the best
of everything', even in the midst of what 'should' be devastating. Poverty,
drama, accidents, horror are NOT signs of disconnection from Essence, they are
merely experiences. A positive pole role can still be at its apparent 'best' yet
still be disconnected from Essence. A negative pole role can be as difficult and
trying as expected, and be conscious. The keys are in the act of Decisions and
CHOICES. In the moments of your darkest despair, if you can "look up"
and recognize that this space is simply where you are at the moment, even if you
seek no resolution beyond that realization, half of your battle is completed.
When you say "yes, this is where I am right now, I know I could do
something but I do not feel like it right now", you have granted yourself
an open door to Essence.
Acknowledging your state of mind, your resistance, your struggles, etc. are in
that very moment your decision and choice to allow or change, you become
immediately centered and present, regardless of your choice in either direction.
This will immediately and in that moment connect you consciously to Essence.
This does not mean your mood or situation will magically remove itself from your
life, but you have opened your world and option for greater probabilities by
that single choice, a millionfold. Besides your initial acknowledgment that you
may have dropped your connection to Essence, we will say that the most powerful
and profound choice you can make next is to ASK FOR HELP. The body is not
designed to sustain animation and life without connection to Essence for any
extended period of time once sentience has moved in. We want to note at this
point that there is no REAL disconnection from Essence; we merely use these
terms for convenience, even the term "rejection" is inaccurate in
light of the truth, but these terms capture the experience and we will continue
to use them with this understanding.
What happens when one fragment is deriving pleasure from another fragment's
pain? Here is where I get confused. This encompasses all these levels, personal
or collective, as in when society feel some sort of pleasure at putting some
fragment to death, as in capitol punishment. So this would not be true
connection to Essence then? So it is safe to say that some pleasures are of
<Michael_Entity> That is difficult to reconcile within the confines of the
Physical Plane. We do not expect you to reconcile that, nor do we think it can
be. Sometimes events are not understandable by Personality. We will say,
however, that True Pleasure is rarely experienced at the expense of another,
unless both Essences involved have a mutual agreement for something that is
otherwise seen as horrific. We will define True Pleasure as being that which
retains the recognition of the choice of others. If the choice of other is
interfered with, then this cannot be True Pleasure, it is only stimulation. And,
no, it is not correct to say some pleasures are of Maya. Pleasure that
interferes with the life, path, or choice of another is stimulation, not True
And then it is true pleasure that connects to Essence? I think I am getting
it. Sorry, lol, but I see some fragments getting pleasure out of stimulation as
<Michael_Entity> Consider the image of a person gratified by eating a
chocolate bar versus that of one being gratified by stealing the chocolate from
a child. You will most likely intuit the difference. It is not complex when
examined and the differences between self-stimulation and true pleasure are
glaring. Again, the difference is in the lack of interference of choice in
Our system of Personality and Essence is comparatively quite simple and each
part of the system is dynamically linked to other parts, leading to what many
have called Michael Math. Each role, attitude, CF, center, etc. are all linked
by their axis. For instance, the Ordinal Inspiration will have re-evaluation,
reserve, stoic, emotional, self-deprecation, and lunar body types, along with
the Server, and the attributes of the number one. Therefore, as we discuss each
role tonight in its disconnection from Essence, you might also recognize in that
disconnection a link to that role's inherent chief Feature. In this instance,
though, we might call it "The Great Lesson". This is not a term we
prefer, but it is one our channel found appropriate and we do not disagree,
though more creative ways of seeing this will surely come from our sharing with
you. Therefore, each Essence will have its "Great Lesson" and this
'lesson' will always recur each lifetime in some form. There will be no lifetime
that does not struggle with this 'lesson', however briefly. Regardless of the
dynamics of personality and its chosen emphasis of challenge, the Essence IN
ITSELF has its challenges, though it is seen from a very different perspective
and eagerly played with. This results from Essence "forgetting" the
inherent challenges of the physical plane while being Astral. The body has to
regain consciousness each lifetime regardless of soul age and seeks to grow back
into the soul age last reached in the previous life. We will also note here that
each of these scenarios we might mention in regard to the Roles can be applied
to each of you since you may relate it to your own CF that then relates to the
Role we are describing. Each Role and CF relates to a Chakra, or Center, and
this can also lead to connections. We suggest you only focus on your Role for
now, the figuring in the consideration as to when or whether you are conscious
and accepting of Essence, regardless of these extrapolations.
We will begin with the Server. For now we will examine the basics. When a Server
is conscious and connected to Essence, regardless of its struggles and fears in
the life, its Great Lesson is in discovering that it can take care of other
things, nurture them, help them, be tremendously effective in catering to the
nuances of needs in another all the while being able to care for self. The
Server connected to Essence and conscious of that connection chooses to take
care of itself no matter what is happening in the life, knowing inherently that
this is the only way to truly be successful in any endeavor. The Server who is
not connected to Essence chooses not only to slack in its care of self, but
loses its enthusiasm to seek care for others. This Server will seek in its
universe and emphasize in its universe any and all ways to prove that things are
not loving, that there is discord and that their own lives are not making a
difference. They are Self-Deprecation, manifest. This Server has its roots in
only emphasizing its own and all others inadequacy, or lack of being. This can
be overt or subtle, but it will show. Their keys to bringing back a conscious
connection to Essence (besides the first two vital steps, recognizing choice for
where you are, and then asking for help), is in doing anything physically
stimulating. Running, jogging, going dancing, anything with dirt and the ground,
and getting a massage. Anything that allows contact PHYSICALLY with what is
considered the "outside world" that provides data without judgment.
The SERVER more than any other Role can use the past as their world and choose
to gauge everything within that context, therefore, it is successful to release
the past and choose experiences that bring the Server more "presence".
Next we will comment on the ARTISAN. The Artisan who is conscious of and
connected to Essence is one that has learned to allow happiness into the life.
This may seem deceptively simple and universally applicable, but any true
Artisan can tell you that it is one of their Great Lessons to learn to like
receiving and indulging in the pleasures of this world. An Artisan who is
connected and conscious with Essence has true joy and enthusiasm for the life,
allowing whatever levels of prosperity and abundance are appropriate at that
moment. They have admitted to themselves what they wanted, what they needed, and
they are allowing themselves to have it, to create it. The Artisan that is
disconnected or rejecting Essence feels their needs are too great, that they
will never get what they deserve or are not worth the life used on them.
Artisans are clever in their disconnection from Essence because they have helped
to construct a culture that supports it. It plays on other fragments, deriving
from them false compassion and pity, but nothing of value to make the life seem
"worth it". The artisan disconnected from Essence is Self-Destruction,
manifest. They have determined that they are not worth what they want. The
Artisan can endure for years and years in this state, far longer than any other
role disconnected from Essence, because this state eventually requires others to
reach out and care for them, even if they are not making changes, themselves.
Eventually, the Great Lesson is learned and the life is transformed. At some
point, and probably more dramatically than any other role, a shift in the life
occurs. This brings the Artisan into a space that says YES to life, to what it
wants, recognizes its needs and says they are worth pursuing it for. Ways the
Artisan to connect to Essence in times of recognized disconnection are through
any form of artistic expression, but most especially painting or sculpting,
making a concerted effort to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. They can purchase things that
feel fun are usually labeled "trivial", interact with small animals,
or dance privately to music.
Next we will comment on the WARRIOR. The Warrior when connected and conscious
with Essence finds itself in many a challenges against or within the life where
there appear to be imbalances. A Warrior that is conscious recognizes that their
very nature requires them to live intentionally and with purpose of action. This
means, regardless of its tediousness or turbulence, they are always out to
conquer something. The Warrior connected to Essence finds itself in many
manifestations of chaos and disorder as a means to exercise and emphasize what
is and isn't Power or Empowering. More than any other role they are more
perpetually in crisis of challenge because this is truly where their
"heart" lies. It may not be acceptable or as "easy" as other
roles' experiences or what the culture supports, but it is their world and it is
vital. The symptoms of a Warrior connected to Essence can most likely be seen in
gauging the strengths of their relationships. The Warrior disconnected or
rejecting Essence feels that their life is one unrolling world of chaos and they
determine they are just 'lucky' for what they have, relinquishing effort to make
a path. More than any other role, even if arguably, the Warrior that is
disconnected from Essence spends its life seeking approval and recognition,
while consistently remaining in the shadows. The disconnected Warrior lays low,
evades conflict, and depends on others heavily. The disconnected Warrior has a
deep sense that at some point it needs to do or be something specific in order
to be loved or recognized. Most of the time, this Warrior has no idea what that
"something specific" is and will continue to close its circle of life
down until it learns to make choices for itself, grasping that they are in
control of their lives; this is their Great Lesson. The disconnected Warrior is
Martyrdom manifest. This is another role that can regain connection to Essence
by incorporating or balancing with heavy physical activity. Making contact with
life in a physical manner that brings data into the body emphasizing security
and control, such as Tai Chi or the Alexander Technique, a sport that requires
coordination, can all bring the Essence back into the picture. Asking to be
held, or holding someone important can help as well.
We will address the SCHOLAR now. The Scholar that is connected to Essence and
conscious has learned its Great Lesson, which revolves around the reality of
shared love. This Scholar has realized with a great amount of profundity that
they will not love another until they have sought to love themselves. As we have
said, there are many of these Role symptoms you all may find applicable, but for
each Role, you will see they are a deeper lesson when specifically considered.
All other Roles have an "easier" time at loving and being loved than
the Scholar does. The Scholar who is connected to Essence has realized they are
whole and complete, that they like themselves and have decided to trust and open
their hearts to their life. They recognize that ALL aspects of life are capable
of being loved, even themselves and all the hard times passed through. When the
Scholar is disconnected or rejecting of Essence, they do their best to ignore
their lives, to resist the examination that not everything is fine. This Scholar
refuses to examine their vulnerabilities and have not dealt with their shadow
feelings, resulting in acts of dominance or power struggles. They have never
experienced intimacy of any depth due to these things. They become adept at
arguing their points, ignoring the pains of their past, destroying or
deteriorating any relationship or person whom touches too closely to personal
areas of pain and sensation. They are Stubbornness manifest. They, more than any
other Role, truly fear what is called love. The disconnected Scholar can still
bring in a definite resource of love into their lives, but this is usually
sought only out of need for refuge, a place to securely hold up the walls around
their own hearts. The Scholar disconnected from Essence can be one of the most
painful and emotionally tormenting of all exchanges for someone trying to love
them. Some suggestions for bringing more of Essence in might be to talk to
children about their perspective on life, actually play with children or play on
a child's playground. Seeking laughter of any kind brings Essence immediately
back in for a Scholar. Seeking experience of the aroma and visuals of botanical
gardens or observing the ocean can help, or having flowers within visual and
olfactory range.
We will address the SAGE now. The Sage in connection to Essence is the most
obvious and closest to what the positive pole describes. They are TALKING. The
Sage connected to Essence, regardless of what they are communicating, is at
least communicating. They seek to express any and all feelings and thoughts as a
means for communication. When they are angry, you know it, when they are sad,
you know it, when they are happy, you know it; they will gladly tell you and
everyone else. The Sage who is disconnected from Essence becomes silent. Of all
the roles, the Sage is the most tender and fragile of all roles. We do not imply
this negatively. This is simply because they are the "children" of our
universe, and no physical age or soul age will ever change this. It is their
"job". As this Role pertains to communication, children, and the
Intellectual Center or fifth (throat) Chakra, you can see the fragility in a
child who has been driven or shunned into silence, when the child hangs its head
to cover the vulnerable communication center. This can be reflected in all ages
of a Sage, as well. When a Sage has gone silent they are rejecting Essence,
losing consciousness. In fact, forms of silence can range through all forms of
suppression. This means this Role more than most is susceptible to addictions
and substance abuses, anything to redirect the energies from having to address
what wants to be said. They are Greed manifest, as they fixate on something they
feel they do not have enough of, and remain struggling to attain this at the
expense of life and self. Their Great Lesson is in realizing their expression
and feelings are important to someone, even if this starts out being just
themselves. Ways for the Sage to regain consciousness and connection are through
writing letters, reading personal journal entries to someone who will listen,
sharing a personal story or poetry, trusting what you feel about a person when
you first meet them, and singing out loud.
We will address the PRIEST now. The Priest who has a connection to Essence
realizes that life is full of many truths and each experience has its own truth.
More than any other role, this role when connected to Essence has a deep and
profound trust in life, knowing with true perception how to pass through the
next moments and lead others through those confusions in life as well. Life is
intuitively navigated. When disconnected, this Essence lives in a world of
concepts and ideas, rational thinking and over-analysis. This would normally
seem harmless, but the Priest disconnected from Essence enforces these
rationales, ideas, and over-analysis to the point of destroying the life or
misleading others as a means for false validation of beliefs. They lose their
ability to adapt to the nuances of life and seek only to remain in a predefined,
structured, and thought out picture of life. This removes their ability to
intuit and trust in life, but creates severe judgment and enforcement of fear.
This Role more than any other Role can make a lie become a profound but false
truth about themselves, life, or others. They are Arrogance manifest. To help
bring the Priest back into connection, we suggest to this Role more than any
other to literally make time to communicate to what you consider to be your
higher self, every day. We also suggest purchasing or making a set of cards with
inspirational affirmations or a book of quotes that can be a "message"
or "thought for the day", or whenever in need, to help lend insight
from someplace beyond analysis.
And finally the KING, we will comment on. The King who has a connection to
Essence is keenly aware of the fact of all possibilities, a sense of connection
to all of its life. The King connected to Essence does not just live the life,
it IS the life as well. This King recognizes that it is the source of all of its
life, through choice, creation, and from even higher. This King sees no
separation based on time or space, but only the beautiful unfolding of a life as
perfect, no matter what. They do not judge the life, themselves, or others for
their position in it, but instead recognizes itself in everything around it.
This King has dealt with what might be called its "dark side" and now
sees through that state in others, recognizing all the illusions. Limitation is
never seen as an obstacle, but an important aspect of life to help direct
growth. A King who has rejected Essence becomes highly separated from its life,
separated within itself, and from others. Its Great Lesson is in acknowledging
they are a PART of everything and everyone, not APART. This King is caught in
circles of self-gratification and simple distraction for stimulation. They feel
they alone are completely responsible for all achievements in life and resist
any help in any form, in fact, sometimes violently. This King rejects people
outright due to imperfections reflected from self and creates enormous amounts
of Space and Time between those who are their most powerful support. They are
Impatience manifest. This King who is rejecting of Essence will forever remain
in a circle of development since they allow no other influences or support into
their lives. Ways for a King to bring back a sense of connection to Essence is
through visiting spiritual temples for moments of quiet and reflection, watching
or reading information shared by spiritual leaders they resonate with. They can
make changes in the life that reflects a commitment to the acknowledgement of
the life force in all others, such as through vegetarianism or volunteer work.
More than any other Role, we would have to doubly emphasize that this Role could
benefit from ASKING FOR HELP.
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